1. Inverted pendulum model


使用 Sympy 模組中的 mechanics 去定義系統的方程式,mechanics 模組有提供多體動力學及 Lagrangian mechanics 等相關放式

# n = How much with the connecting rod
q = dynamicsymbols('q:' + str(n + 1))  # Generalized coordinates
u = dynamicsymbols('u:' + str(n + 1))  # Generalized speeds
f = dynamicsymbols('f')                # Force applied to the cart

m = symbols('m:' + str(n + 1))         # Mass of each bob
l = symbols('l:' + str(n))             # Length of each link
g, t = symbols('g t')                  # Gravity and time


I = ReferenceFrame('I')                # Inertial reference frame
O = Point('O')                         # Origin point
O.set_vel(I, 0)                        # Origin's velocity is zero
P0 = Point('P0')                       # Hinge point of top link
P0.set_pos(O, q[0] * I.x)              # Set the position of P0    
P0.set_vel(I, u[0] * I.x)              # Set the velocity of P0
Pa0 = Particle('Pa0', P0, m[0])        # Define a particle at P0

使用 Sympy 將描述完的機械系統寫成微分方程式,這部分參考 Pydy 中使用 Sympy 描述系統

frames = [I]                              # List to hold the n + 1 frames
points = [P0]                             # List to hold the n + 1 points
particles = [Pa0]                         # List to hold the n + 1 particles
forces = [(P0, f * I.x - m[0] * g * I.y)] # List to hold the n + 1 applied forces, including the input force, f
kindiffs = [q[0].diff(t) - u[0]]          # List to hold kinematic ODE's

for i in range(n):
    Bi = I.orientnew('B' + str(i), 'Axis', [q[i + 1], I.z])   # Create a new frame
    Bi.set_ang_vel(I, u[i + 1] * I.z)                         # Set angular velocity
    frames.append(Bi)                                         # Add it to the frames list

    Pi = points[-1].locatenew('P' + str(i + 1), l[i] * Bi.x)  # Create a new point
    Pi.v2pt_theory(points[-1], I, Bi)                         # Set the velocity
    points.append(Pi)                                         # Add it to the points list

    Pai = Particle('Pa' + str(i + 1), Pi, m[i + 1])           # Create a new particle
    particles.append(Pai)                                     # Add it to the particles list

    forces.append((Pi, -m[i + 1] * g * I.y))                  # Set the force applied at the point

    kindiffs.append(q[i + 1].diff(t) - u[i + 1])              # Define the kinematic ODE:  dq_i / dt - u_i = 0

kane = KanesMethod(I, q_ind=q, u_ind=u, kd_eqs=kindiffs) # Initialize the object
fr, frstar = kane.kanes_equations(forces, particles)     # Generate EoM's fr + frstar = 0



因為這樣描述的方式,變成非常的複雜,我可能參考以下的方式 !(Pymbs)[http://pymbs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/], 試著使用 joint , world 等方式進行描述機械系統並導入控制。


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