• Pyslvs 中的三角形表示式
  • Python 版本的原始碼

Pyslvs 三角形表示式

為了達成機構路徑的模擬,以符合 PMKS 所能模擬的接頭種類,Pyslvs 採用三種幾何解法:

  • PLA(P):透過兩個(或一個)已知點、基準點至目標點距離,及其(與水平線)的夾角,可以求得目標點座標。
  • PLLP:透過兩個已知點、兩基準點至目標點距離,可以求得目標點座標。
  • PLPP:透過一個已知點、基準點至目標點距離、已知兩點連成的直線,可以求得目標點在直線上的座標。





Pyslvs 使用函式解題的表示法如下:

Function[parameter0, parameter1, parameter2, ...](Target); ...



#Known: a0, P0, P2, L0, L1, L2, L3, L4
PLAP[P0, L0, a0](P1); PLLP[P1, L1, L2, P2](P3); PLLP[P1, L3, L4, P3](P4)


這裡提供 Cython 的輸入輸出類型與 Python 版本的運算方法。


tuple PLAP(Coordinate A, double L0, double a0, Coordinate B=0, bool inverse=false);
def PLAP(A, L0, a0, B=None, inverse=False):
    """Point on circle by angle."""
    a1 = atan2(B.y - A.y, B.x - A.x) if B else 0
    if inverse:
        return (A.x + L0*cos(a1 - a0), A.y + L0*sin(a1 - a0))
        return (A.x + L0*cos(a1 + a0), A.y + L0*sin(a1 + a0))


tuple PLLP(Coordinate A, double L0, double L1, Coordinate B, bool inverse=false);
def PLLP(A, L0, L1, B, inverse=False):
    """Two intersection points of two circles."""
    dx = B.x - A.x
    dy = B.y - A.y
    d = A.distance(B)

    #No solutions, the circles are separate.
    if d > L0 + L1:
        return (nan, nan)

    #No solutions because one circle is contained within the other.
    if d < abs(L0 - L1):
        return (nan, nan)

    #Circles are coincident and there are an infinite number of solutions.
    if (d == 0) and (L0 == L1):
        return (nan, nan)
    a = (L0*L0 - L1*L1 + d*d)/(2*d)
    h = sqrt(L0*L0 - a*a)
    xm = A.x + a*dx/d
    ym = A.y + a*dy/d

    if inverse:
        return (xm + h*dy/d, ym - h*dx/d)
        return (xm - h*dy/d, ym + h*dx/d)


tuple PLPP(Coordinate A, double L0, Coordinate B, Coordinate C, bool inverse=false);
def PLAP(A, L0, B, C, inverse=False):
    """Two intersection points of a line and a circle."""
    line_mag = B.distance(C)
    dx = C.x - B.x
    dy = C.y - B.y
    u = ((A.x - B.x)*dx + (A.y - B.y)*dy) / (line_mag*line_mag)
    I = Coordinate(B.x + u*dx, B.y + u*dy)

    #Test distance between point A and intersection.
    d = A.distance(I)
    if d > L0:
        #No intersection.
        return (nan, nan)
    elif d == L0:
        #One intersection point.
        return (I.x, I.y)

    #Two intersection points.
    d = sqrt(L0*L0 - d*d) / line_mag
    dx *= d
    dy *= d
    if inverse:
        return (I.x - dx, I.y - dy)
        return (I.x + dx, I.y + dy)


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